Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Entropic Life

Entropy is the natural tendency of the Universe to dissolve into a state of chaos. Much like my life- particularly my life as a mom. Maybe even everyone else's life as a parent is like this- i don't know.

I have a hard time with routines, despite my best efforts and endless charts, lists and schedules. I'm almost positive this encourages the chaos. But I've learned a lot about myself over the last several years and one thing I've realized is that, right or wrong, I've just got to embrace the madness. Fighting it just makes me tired. And cranky. And tired and cranky already come easy enough to me.

So join me as I chronicle the journey to manage the mayhem that is my life, will ya? Laugh at me, cry with me and most of all, enjoy being a voyeur of my entropic life.

Stay tuned for my next post on Domestic Politics. You won't be sorry, pinky swear.

Domestic Politics

Around the nation, officials and voters alike are getting ready to head to the polls come November. Unfortunately for me, my 7 year old has caught Election Fever, and announced that in mid-November there will be a domestic election for the King and Queen of our household (never mind there's only one male living here. And that Kings and Queens aren't normally elected). She even made up campaign posters.


this is supposed to be me

It should be quite obvious who the front runners are for Queen of the House (If not, you may want to get your eyes checked).  Oddly, it certainly isn't me.

What do you suppose the implications would be if I lost the election to be the Queen of the House to my 7 year old? *shudder*

I don't even want to think about it. So, I won't.

However, I will say, if Allie happens to approach you about your vote, tell her you're going to VOTE FOR ME!! I'm not always mean. Only sometimes. But as long as you pick up your shoes off the floor and refrain from flooding the bathroom floor every time you take a bath, I think you and I will do juuuuust fine.