Friday, April 8, 2011

You're Toooooo Late: Military Pay Already Effected by Budget Impasse

Military members have been anxiously keeping their eyes on the news recently to see how the impending Government Shutdown of 2011 will play out. There's a lot at stake here. The very least of which has anything to do with ruined vacation plans (due to National Parks being closed). Our Troops and their families going to really feel it where it hurts- in their paychecks.

Let's get one thing straight, right off the top. Military members will still be paid for their service. They just won't receive any of it after April 9th if the government shuts down Midnight, April 8th, for however long the shutdown lasts.

Half the day is over, but apparently, it's too late to avert any financial fall-out for our Troops (many of whom are currently deployed to war zones, helping to pave the way for Democracy in other countries).

Military pay statements are out, and from what I can tell, they've already been cut in half (meaning they've only been paid from the 1st of April until today). How long will it take for them to reverse this if Congress reaches an agreement by midnight tonight? Who knows. Anyone with experience getting back pay from the military knows what a pain in the ass it is.

Here is the official line from the Defense Financial and Accounting Services (the ones who officially handle the paychecks):

Government Shutdown Impacts on Pay
Due to the government shutdown, the Department of Defense has no legal 
authority to pay any personnel - military or civilian - for the days during which the 
government is shut down.  The shutdown will not affect payments to retirees and 
annuitants as those funds come from a retirement trust fund.  Below is the effect 
the government shutdown will have on active duty military, civilian personnel, 
retirees and annuitants, and DoD contractors. 

Military Active and Reserve military members will be paid on time for pay earned prior to 
the expiration of the CRA (midnight April 8) -- approximately half of their normal 
mid-month payment.   Active duty military and on-duty reservists cannot be paid 
for duty performed after the CRA expired, until additional legislation is enacted.  
Once another CRA or an appropriations act is signed into law, normal 
disbursement of pay will resume for pay earned after employees return to work. 
Military members who perform duty during the shutdown will be entitled to 
retroactive payments. 

Check out this link for the full FAQ: DFAS Government Shutdown FAQ

So, here's the bottom line- from a Veteran of the USAF, and current military Spouse, thanks, Congress for nothing. 2012 is an election year, and I damn sure will remember.

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